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Showing 41–60 of 146 results
Fenix TK41C ( White Red and Blue ) is a high output AA flashlight that combines white, red and blue light together. It has two switches that work separately on white light output and colour light output.
The Fenix HM61R V2.0 Headlamp is upgraded for better performance. The large, glove-friendly switch allows you to quickly cycle through five brightness levels including a max 1600 turbo mode.
The Fenix BC26R – 1600 lumen is a lightweight, bike light built to keep you rolling long into the night. This bike light features an included rechargeable 5000mAh li-ion battery that blasts up to 1600 lumens and allows for longer runtimes up to 65 continuous hours on the lowest brightness level.
The Fenix UC35 V2.0 rechargeable flashlight is the 2018 upgrade to the Fenix UC35 flashlight. Fitted with the Cree XP-L HI V3 LED, this light delivers a maximum 1000 lumens at a distance of 873 feet (266 meters). Turn the light on and off with the tactical tail switch and cycle through the six lighting modes via the newly designed metal side switch?€?which also has a built-in battery level indicator. You can achieve an incredible 800 hours of runtime when using the new moonlight brightness level. Compact and built-tough, the UC35 V2.0 flashlight is IP68 rated; dust proof and waterproof underwater to two meters._x000D__x000D_2018 upgrade improvements over prior UC35:_x000D_-XP-L HI v3 LED provides greater brightness, efficiency and throw_x000D_-Improved stainless steel side switch with battery level indicator_x000D_-New body design is more compact_x000D_-Includes higher capacity 3500 mAH rechargeable battery for longer runtime_x000D_-USB port improved to charge faster and is easier to activate_x000D_-Improved waterproof and dust-proof rating (IP68)
The Fenix HM61R rechargeable headlamp is a great multi-functional light that is not only a high-performance headlamp, but also a great right-angle detachable flashlight when removed from its headband, which includes a magnetic base and belt clip for continued hands-free use.
The Fenix HM65R headlamp features both an independently controlled spotlight and a floodlight for a combined maximum 1400 lumens of neutral and white light. Powered by the included 3500mAh battery, this headlamp is USB-C rechargeable and includes a battery level indicator. It is made of a magnesium alloy for better strength, impact resistant to 2 meters (6.6ft), with less weight.
The LED Lenser H7R.2 rechargeable headlamp helps keep you safe while on the job or in the outdoors, and it’s better and brighter than ever! In addition to the Advanced Focus System technology
The Fenix E01 V2.0 AAA Flashlight emits an impressive maximum 100 lumens from an included single AAA battery. Using an ultra-thin optical lens, this flashlight delivers a soft and balanced beam a max distance of 35m.
the Fenix PD35 flashlight is destined to continue to be one of Fenix?€?s most popular models. With vastly improved performance, the new PD35 V3.0 can blast an amazing 1700 lumens a total distance of 1,171 feet. (357m). The PD35 V3.0 is powered by a single 18650 rechargeable battery (included)
The Fenix C7 3000 Lumen USB Rechargeable LED Torch is suitable for industrial maintenance and operations. It features USB Type-C charging with the included 5000mAh rechargeable Li-ion battery. Delivering an output up to 3000 lumens flashlight in turbo mode while throwing its beam a distance up to 470 meters
The Fenix WT25R Adjustable Head Flashlight is a great all-purpose light with tons of features. The 105?? adjustable head allows you to put light where you need it. Attach the light to most metal surfaces with the built-in magnet for hands-free lighting.
The Fenix LD30 is an extremely powerful compact flashlight that can blast a maximum 1600 lumens, 673 feet (205 meters). At only 109 mm long, the LD30 is the perfect size everyday carry EDC flashlight.
The Fenix TK11 TAC 1600 Lumen flashlight is designed with the tactical user in mind. ??The flashlight?€?s two operating modes were designed to support the law enforcement and security markets specifically. The unique design features a toggle tail switch which allows you to quickly switch between Tactical Mode
The Fenix HP25R Headlamp is the new standard in rechargeable headlamps. Offering nine modes between a neutral white floodlight, spotlight and red light, this headlamp will easily meet any need while hiking, camping, search and rescue and even cave exploration. The battery level indicator will let you know when it?€?s time to recharge via the micro-USB cable from any USB power source when the included 18650 Li-ion battery is used.
The Fenix E30R is a rechargeable flashlight with compact size but high performance. Only 99 mm in length, this compact body emits a max output of 1600 lumens and beam distance of 203 meters.
The Fenix HM60R 1200 Lumen USB Rechargeable Headlamp is a great all-purpose headlamp which features three types of lights, a spotlight for long distance illumination, a floodlight with neutral white light for better color rendering, and red light to preserve your night vision and for up-close tasks.
The Fenix E35 V3.0 flashlight has been upgraded with high-performance features in mind. This EDC flashlight can now blast a maximum 3000 lumens a distance of 787ft (240m). Powered by an included 21700 (5000mAh) rechargeable Li-ion battery
The Klarus HR1 Plus is an ultra-lightweight tri-LED output headlamp. Black colour, it has dual flood and spot brightness levels with red light, strobe and beacon. The headlamp offers a maximum output of 600 lumens and is powered by an included 2000mAh Li-ion battery pack
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